Librarian and other position are vacant in WAPDA Institutes which are located in different Pakistan provinces and cities. Interested candidates my apply on mentioned positions complete details are given below newspaper advertisement:
Name of Positions:
- Lecturer BPS-17 (History)
- Lecturer BPS-1 7(Psychology)
- Lecturer BPS-1 7 (Urdu)
- Lecturer BPS-1 7 (Computer Sciecne / IT)
- Lecturer BPS-1 7 (Chemistry)
- Lecturer BPS-1 7 (Physics)
- Lecturer BPS-1 7 (Statistics)
- Subject Specialist BPS-17 (Islamiyat)
- Subject Specialist BPS-17 (Pak Studies)
- Trained Graduate Teacher BPS-16 (English)
- Trained Graduate Teacher BPS-16 (Science / Physics / Math)
- Trained Graduate Teacher BPS-16 (Science / Chemistry /Biology)
- Senior Physical Training Teacher BPS-16
- Librarian BPS-15
- Drawing Master BPS-09 (Power Wing)
- Laboratory Assistant BPS-07